Secure Voting _Systems_

Secure Voting Systems

When your organization’s bylaws require an impartial independent firm to run its election, Elections USA, Inc. can help. Elections USA, Inc. incorporates proven technology to offer secure voting solutions:

  • Secure Internet voting
  • OCR Paper Ballot Scanning
  • Touch screen machines

Security Criteria Used by Elections USA, Inc.

The objective of electronic voting is to ensure reliability in recording your organization’s members’ votes to make the voting process fair, transparent, and secure. Elections USA, Inc. pursues vigorous solutions to maintain integrity of the election process:

  • A registration system that ensures that each member may register to vote only once in each election
  • Voting systems that maintain complete confidentiality for each voter’s preference
  • Encrypted software to protect Elections USA, Inc. systems from fraud
  • Regardless of the election type that your organization needs, all of Elections USA, Inc.’s systems record vote results efficiently and accurately

Maintaining Integrity and Security Online

Elections USA, Inc. understands the importance of maintaining a secure online voting system and has incorporated solutions to prevent Denial of Service Attacks, Virus Infestation, Malware, and Spoofing attacks. To protect the integrity of your organization’s election, Elections USA, Inc. uses:

  • Open-Source Software
  • Voter Verifiable Audit Trails (VVAT)
  • Layer (SSL) protocol
  • Digital signature schemes